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Should I submit anything
else along with my form?

Please submit a breakdown of estimated costs associated with the items/events for which you are seeking funding.

How are Community Outreach Funds prioritized?

In years past, requests for general donations were often accepted and we left how the funds would be used up to the discretion of the private organization. However, with budgetary cuts across the board, we are being approached by more groups than ever. While we cannot guarantee anything in advance, we will prioritize our funding along the following guidelines:


1. Requests that benefit a large number or diverse population of people on our base.
2. Requests that have a lasting impact. (e.g. equipment that will not only be used by current members, but new ones for years to come).
3. Requests that support educational growth, promote wellness or foster base community.

Is there anything special I
should pay attention to on my form?

It is very important that all questions on the request form are answered completely, so the Governing Board can make a decision based on the most accurate information. Questions can be answered in a word document and attached with the request.

When will my request for Community
Outreach Funds be reviewed?

Our SCSC Board Meetings take place the first week of each month, where we review and vote upon submitted requests. Please plan ahead! Note that requests MUST be received by the 20th of the month PRIOR to these Board meetings so adequate time can be given for review and personal contact should questions arise.  For example, in order to be considered at the March 2022 board meeting, requests must be submitted by February 20th.


Our governing board does not meet over the summer, so please plan to submit requests which will require funding during this time well in advance.

If you have further questions please contact our Community Outreach Chair at:

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